Last Saturday the Postduiven went to Laon. Het was weer een weekend lang wachten. Hat zat dit keer niet mee en op zaterdag werd dan ook niet gelost. In hindsight a good decision of our redemption commission. Other departments that have unloaded it there are the competitions generally gone very badly. On Sunday it was not much better but in the end they could still be released at 15.30 Fewer hours in Wood (187 km).
On landing the weather was perfect and the first 130 km was het ook goed duivenweer. Helaas bleven de buien in het Oosten van het land hangen en regende het toen de duiven terug kwamen. At that point you should have a little luck and they had found their pretty back. Within an hour they were all 29 thuis en konden we tevreden zijn met het resultaat. Dit keer begonnen we met een 5e and a 11e in the Rayon. We were there 17 of the 29 in the price. In de vereniging beginnen we met de 4e en hebben er 16 of the 29 awards (See results).
Still 2 Middle Distance Flights, hopefully they still hold 2 full weeks and the birds make the season well off.
Then we hopefully go full on with our youngsters. Last Tuesday we had our first training flight of our circle 2 and fortunately all went well. It was for that matter brilliant again with the youngsters to have the first training flight. Good views, half-cloudy, nice temperature, not too hot, a west wind, good time of discharge and then it must.