Season has begun

After a winter with lots of great tributes has finally started again with the flights. We have all our birds (culture and fly) on 15 January 2015 linked and that went to full satisfaction. At this time, 30 april, do we have 72 youngsters. A good number to start the coming period underway. In the first week of March, we have separated the hens from the cocks and we slowly started training the racers. Saturday 28 March, we have our hens are taken away for a few kilometers and the same thing we did with the cocks to Wednesday 1 april. It turned out both groups have a tough job to return quickly thuiswaarts, but after an hour they were all back fat. Then you see all the older experienced pigeons be able to but the yearling pigeons have it very hard to find the straight line towards the loft.

Saturday 4 april was de eerste opleervlucht met de Kring van onze afdeling. The weather forecast was not too good (cold) but we all basked them and we were very happy how they came home.

On Saturday 11 april, this began to points. The pigeons went to Deurne with a distance of 128 kilometer. It became a quick vluchtje at a rate of almost 120 km per hour. So the first there were just over one hour back. In the association we started 4th, and 5th place with 12 pigeons in the first 24. We had a total of 40 basketed for points and it flew 25 price. Thus, a percentage of 62,5% the first high-speed flight. A good start. Click here for the results

On Saturday 18 april korfden we weer 40 pigeons in for a flight on 183 km to Heusen-Zolder. This time the wind came out of the other corner (no) and that resulted in a speed for the first pigeons from around the 75 km per hour. They were amazing and in no time was most at home. On this flight we started with a 2nd, 4e, 5e en 6e plek. Again, we could again 14 pigeons in the first 28 in the association. Of the 40 pigeons that we are now 27 awards. Het prijs percentage was dus 67,50%. (See the rash) Again, we were happy also because there were already a number of yearlings at the first. Both a number of yearling hens and cocks.

On 25 April Duffel was scheduled. Fridays at basketing was already spoken and the pigeons would be liberated on Saturday. The weather forecast for Saturday morning were not too good, rain and cloudy. In the afternoon it was clear from the west. En dat gebeurde zodat ze om 15.15 h were discharged. The radar was to see that there still were some minor rain showers but it should be able to. The wind was also discovered and then that almost always good. We had a little look at the rates of other departments and they'd around half 6 come home. Naturally, we always stand a little earlier in the loft and it was just as well go this time. Just when the loft was the first one there already, We saw this hen 12-1195378 the last meters of its flight and even as a spear inside. We immediately recognize that this had to be an early bird. This namely had a speed of 1.722 meter while other sections around the 1.600 meter already. Apparently, this pigeon exactly the right path between the showers found by. We had quite a long time, 9 minute wait on our 2nd pigeon, well then you know that the first super early pigeon. After coming home from the 2nd started to rain and it came pouring down from the sky. Unfortunately the showers in activity had increased and it was coming back in the rain. Unfortunately, that was across the Achterhoek and Twente case. The pigeons that we expect almost all arrived an hour late. Probably try these pigeons to dodge the showers and they fly around it so they need one more hour to get home. The competition was almost 50 minuten open, far too long for such a short flight. Sávonds he were 37 back from the 39. From 2 nablijvers arrived Sunday morning. We had 16 pigeons in the price of the 39 and that comes from a 41%.

When drawing up the rash in the association, it became clear that we had an early bird. Thick first and almost 100 meters per minute more than the 2nd in the association. In the evening it became clear that no pigeon in circle 1 in 2 of our department 9 the speed could match so 12-1195378 first was resisted 19.120 pigeons. A great achievement.

We knew that this hen was very good origin, father and mother is a pure Heremans “Miss Evita” who also flew great, o.a. 1e in de Midfond club afdeling 9 but this was a special achievement. Also in 2013 in 2014 this hen has flown several top prizes and had them in 2013 12 time and price 2014 There were even 13 prizes including a 2nd, 3e, 4e, 5e, 5e en 6e plek in de vereniging. In 2013 they flew even a 1st in the club.

Click here for an overview of the performance of 2013 in 2014

On to the next few weeks and hopefully the weather will be nice Saturday pigeons again with those blue skies and white fleecy clouds on the sky. As the predictions are now must be good to come and the wind will blow from the north east. All in all good prospects for a nice Saturday.

From this side everybody luck and enjoy our beautiful hobby “Carrier pigeons”

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