
Saturday 16 juni the 4e Middle distance flight from Nanteuil with an distance of 463 km.

We had this time 30 basketed, 4 cocks and all 26 hens. The other males had given a week's rest.

This time it was also a flight sector, would with department 7 in 8 to be unloaded. This means that there is a large spread where the birds going to like Utrecht, Gelderland and Overijssel.

The morning was once again well so that the solution could be done 08.30 hour. The departure was super to call the committee.

This time it was our 2e drawn to the 15-1331400 hen was the first home. We had already calculated that for the first place in the section on 13.36 hour clocks would have. And indeed our 400 clocked 13.36,58. A super early bird, which could not otherwise.

It took almost 15 minutes before the 2e the dove 16-1173617 cock came flying (this one 617 is now in the intermediate position in the association on the middle distance on the 1e place) and again 7 minutes before the 3e Dove was, from 17-1741577 doffer.

Then the pigeons returned home, but it was not really smooth. However, we were pleased that our 1e drawn to the 17-1741529 was back, this time not early but again lovely home. They probably flew a different course and perhaps already seen the north of the country and flew back home that way. The industry solution with department 7 in 8 You have a lot more spread and therefore it takes quite a while before all the pigeons were home.

In the result we had this time 1e the association and the Rayon and 2e in our circle 2. A perfect result of this 15-1331400 white flight hen. This hen has 2016 in 2017 already taken the necessary top prizes. Click here for the association results.

Next week again a middle distance race, this time from Peronne approximately 380 km.

Good luck all.

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