Isnes 6 June 2015

Saturday 6 June was again the 6e Vitesse Flight on the program or to a distance of Isnes 257 km. We have this time 30 basketed, whose 25 hens and 5 doffers. They were basketed under tropical temperatures. Friday afternoon was 33 degrees. Luckily it was pretty cool Saturday. The weather was also good. This time we had the 14-1570479 on head, a yearling hen which already 2 once before sat at the head of the result. It lasted 2 minutes before number 2 came and then ran it pretty smoothly. The yearling pigeons start to be getting faster. This time we had one in the Society 1e, 3e, 4e, 5e etc.. and also we had 22 pigeons in the price of the 30. Again a percentage of 73%. Super. (See results)

This weekend we have a middle distance flight. The weather forecasts are again rising temperatures on Friday and Saturday between the 25 in 30 degrees. Maybe the wind will blow again from the North / East, would change once good for the pigeons.

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