Saturday 11 mei de 1e this year's middle distance flight from Dizy le Gros over a distance of 368 km.
We had it again 50 basketed, exactly the same pigeons as last week. With a NE wind and warm temperatures for the first time, it would not be an easy flight.
The solution was 08.15 hours and at a speed of around 70 km per hour the first pigeons would be around half 2 arrive. And a little later than expected the first ones arrived 2 pigeons flew in. These were ours 2e in 3e drawn pigeons. First went the 20-1176084 over the antenna 13.36,59 and second it was the 20-1176002 on 13.37,05. Both hens.
Afterwards the pigeons performed reasonably well for such a tough flight. From 20-1176084 already has 4 has won top prizes and is at the top of the Pigeon Championship.
In the district we had 35 of the 50 pigeons in the price, an attractive rate 70%. It turns out that the pigeons had an even more difficult time with other fanciers than with us.
From 1e place in the association was this time for Gerald Spitshuis (See results). This pigeon achieved a very nice prize in the district 3e place. Gerald proficiat.
Next week again to Dizy le Gros. As expected now, again a wind from the SE. Unfortunately, there is no other way.
good luck everyone.