Dizy le Gros

Saturday 13 May was Dizy le Gros on the program. A middle distance flight over 368 km. We had this time 50 basketed, 19 doffers in 31 hens.

The weather forecast was pretty good but it meant it would be a tough flight. The wind would blow from the north, the distance became 100 km more than the previous week, 2 nights basket, suddenly higher temperatures, all in all conditions for a tough flight.

The pigeons were released at 8.30 hours and it would be a fat one 5 flying for hours. From 1e pigeon with us was there for it 13.46,37. This time it was the 3-year-old hen 00-1176070, who also almost always arrived at the loft among the first in recent years. The other pigeons came off quite well in such a tough race. Almost every minute there was one. All 50 pigeons have come back. In the association we had the 4e in 5e place with further 6 pigeons in the first 19 (See results). Also 32 of the 50 pigeons in the price, a good percentage of 64%.

Place 1 in 2 were this time for Vincent Bonnes, die 2 beautiful early pigeons. Vincent congratulations.

Next week another middle distance race from Chalons en Champagne over a distance of 416 km. As it now seems again a North wind, so the pigeons must be fed well otherwise they will run out of energy too early.

Unfortunately, it is basketing on Ascension Day, a pity that there is no other way. A holiday for everyone and then you have to leave mid-afternoon to basket the pigeons. That should also be possible on Friday, if necessary, start basketing an hour earlier and a little closer so that they can be released at a normal time on Saturday. But apparently not everyone thinks that way.

Good luck to all with the preparations.


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